Terms of Service for Users

1. What data we collect: In addition to the data in the input field, the IP address of the computer from which you logged in will be recorded, and the time of opening the sent messages and the time of clicking on the links in the messages will also be collected.

2. What is the purpose of collection: We collect data for the purpose of sending news. Data on opening times and click times is for the purpose of determining your activity, so that we can ensure the appropriate deletion of your data in the event of your inactivity.

3. How long will we keep the data: As long as you read our news, we will keep your data until you request deletion, or until you unsubscribe + 1 year. If you do not read our news, we will delete your data 1 year after the last reading.

4. Where you can revoke consents and request deletion, deletion or change: You can do this by writing to our email address or simply unsubscribing from our newsletter.

5. With whom we will share your personal data: We will not share your personal data with anyone.